Treat varicose veins

Varicose veins are a disease that is accompanied by thinning of the vein wall, increased diameter of the vein lumen, and the formation of aneurysmal nodules. Any vein can be involved, but it is more common in the lower extremities. Treatment for varicose veins includes medication and surgery. Lack of treatment increases the risk of dangerous complications.

causes of varicose veins

The underlying cause of the disease is not fully understood. We can only name stimuli that increase the risk of pathological development:

  • Genetic susceptibility. If one of the parents has the disease, it can develop in the child.
  • long static load. Standing work can cause blood to stagnate in the veins, which can cause the veins to dilate and lead to the development of varicose veins.
  • lack of exercise.
  • Excessive load, including professional sports.
  • Being overweight causes increased pressure on the blood vessels in the lower extremities.
  • Pregnancy increases the pressure in the vessels of the small pelvis and lower extremities, as well as changes in the elasticity of the vessel walls.
  • By wearing high heels, this disrupts the contractility of the calf muscles, which are involved in moving blood through the veins (the so-called "muscle pump").
  • Malnutrition (especially a lack of fiber) can lead to constipation, which can lead to increased pressure on blood vessels in the small pelvis and lower extremities.
  • bad habits.
  • hormone imbalance.

These are common causes of dilated veins. If women show the first signs of venous insufficiency during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth, men usually develop the disease 40 years later. Blood vessels in the legs are more commonly affected. Treatment of lower extremity varicose veins is almost the same for men and women.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

Officially, the disease is divided into three stages:

  1. compensation.
  2. sub-compensation.
  3. decompensation.

In addition, there is an international classification that distinguishes categories:

  • C0. There were no signs of vascular damage, but the patient complained of varicose veins.
  • C1. Small superficial venous dilation was noted.
  • C2. Visual inspection may reveal dilated veins.
  • C3. Patients complain of tissue swelling, pain, and excessive fatigue after the workday.
  • C4. Visually identify initial symptoms of nutritional disorders.
  • C5. Nutritional changes appear, but the ulcer heals. There may be scars.
  • C6. Nutritional changes were obvious, with active ulcers.

The degree of pathology was determined based on the results of visual inspection, instrumental diagnostic methods, and existing signs of chronic disease.

The first symptoms can be called:

  • Increased leg fatigue.
  • Tissue swelling, especially noticeable at night, disappears after a short rest.
  • Pain.
  • The characteristic heaviness of the legs.
  • Calf muscle cramps at night.
  • A burning sensation along the veins.

Pain is particularly pronounced. It never radiates to the thighs or heels, but is always noted at the location of the affected veins and has a characteristic of pain. These feelings are often exhausting and unable to sleep. After falling asleep, the pain lessened.

At the initial stage, the saphenous vein showed no signs of damage, but it has changed. The process can take years, so treatment of varicose veins usually begins when grade 3-4 pathology is already present. Over time, as clinics increased, the severity of venous insufficiency symptoms increased:

  • Increase tissue swelling. It is mainly located in the calf muscles. Like pain, swelling occurs in the afternoon and goes away after a night of rest. It is important to differentiate between calf muscle edema and foot tissue swelling. The latter indicates a violation of lymphatic outflow.
  • Itchy skin. marked along the vessel.
  • Visual changes in the skin in the form of tortuous veins, there are extensions.
  • Circulatory disorders can cause changes in the skin. There is cyanosis, tissue thickening, and darkening is possible.

In the absence of treatment, clinical symptoms such as tissue malnutrition, nutritional ulcers, and eczema will appear. Violation of venous valves can lead to the following complications:

  • Thrombophlebitis. It is characterized by the formation of blood clots. Without help, the condition can be life-threatening.
  • Venous thrombosis. Occurs when a blood vessel is blocked. Manifested as severe pain, aggravated by physical activity.
  • Pulmonary embolism. Occurs due to the separation of blood clots. Due to its small size, it is possible to develop pneumonia or chronic heart failure.
  • Nutritional ulcers. The first signs are thickening of the tissue on the affected veins. In addition, the tissue thins and ulcers develop. The lesions do not heal for a long time and do not respond to treatment.

Disease diagnosis

Ultrasound diagnosis of varicose veins

Despite the characteristic symptoms, it is impossible to make a diagnosis and start medication based on the results of a visual examination alone.

Doppler imaging is mandatory. This is one of the easiest ways to assess the vascular bed. It is based on determining the degree of frequency variation of sound signals reflected from blood cells.

During an ultrasound, a scan of the blood vessels is done so that the condition of the walls of the blood vessels and the direction of blood flow can be assessed. The result will be a 2D image of the vein with reflections from the valve, possibly a blood clot.

CT is prescribed if the listed methods do not give an exhaustive answer. Radiopaque venography is required if thrombosis, vascular dysplasia, and small pelvic vein injury are suspected.

Treatment of varicose veins in the legs

Phlebologists are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of pathology. You should contact this specialist at the first signs of illness. In advanced cases, when conservative therapy fails to produce the desired effect, a curative approach is used. In this case, vascular surgeons work to eliminate varicose veins.

Treatment is determined based on the test results. In the initial stage, general medicines and topical medicines can be used. Surgery is prescribed when medicines don't work.

Conservative treatment

The main drug is venotonics (intravenous). Available in tablet and capsule form for systemic action. Thanks to them, it is possible to normalize blood circulation and improve the condition of the entire organism. In addition to tablets, you can also use local remedies with similar effects. These are creams and gels. They have a noticeable effect, but the effect lasts for a short time.

The action of phlebotonics is based on improving the elasticity of blood vessels, reducing the permeability of the walls and eliminating congestion. The patient had reduced edema and normalized hematopoietic function.

Antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents are permitted. They are indicated to be at high risk for blood clots, as well as their presence. Thanks to them, it is possible to break up blood clots and reduce viscosity. These funds are used for a clear violation of blood viscosity, but there is a risk of bleeding and are not allowed.

In addition to preparation, specialists will also prescribe compression stockings. It can be elastic bandages, socks, stockings, tights. The positive effects of using them are explained as follows:

  • Linen puts pressure on affected varicose veins and deep blood vessels.
  • In the lower part of the leg, the blood vessels are subjected to the most pronounced pressure of the knitted fabric, thus eliminating congestion.
  • The container is always compressed, so the operation of the valve becomes more efficient.
  • The severity of edema and pain is reduced when underwear is used.

Surgical treatment of varicose veins

In the absence of the effect of drug therapy, surgery was prescribed. Signs of its implementation are the following conditions:

  • Conservative treatment failed
  • The first signs of thrombophlebitis.
  • The walls of the blood vessels are markedly dilated.
  • Significant tissue swelling.

Varicose veins can be effectively treated using:

  • Radiofrequency ablation, which allows you to restore the structure of your blood vessels.
  • Laser coagulation, during which the affected area is exposed to laser light.
  • The Varadi technique completely removes the affected blood vessels.
  • Venaseal technique, thanks to the venous valve sticking together.
  • Sclerotherapy, which allows you to "glue" blood vessels from the inside.

Modern methods of treating varicose veins allow you to perform all the necessary procedures without hospitalization and send the patient home. The choice of technique is determined by the doctor based on the examination results.

Preventive Pathology

Varicose veins are difficult to treat, and even after surgery, precautions must be taken to prevent recurrence. Some patients use medication and wear compression stockings for life. Pathology can be prevented by:

  • Refuse to drag things.
  • Wear medium heels.
  • Comprehensive nutrition.
  • Weight control.
  • Normalization of drinking regimes.
  • Active recreation, swimming, cycling.
  • Say goodbye to bad habits.

Adherence to preventive measures and a mindful attitude towards the body will help prevent disease and detect deviations in time. Prompt treatment of varicose veins eliminates the progression of the pathology and the formation of complications.